Why teach history?

Our history is being revised and erased every day by people with an agenda contrary to America's being a Constitutional Republic and sovereign nation. It is important to know our founding fathers and mothers, who they were and how they thought. We must know the sources of the materials used in our founding documents so we can keep our country on course. It is important to know who we are so, we know what we are about. Our Country has the longest ongoing Constitution in the history of the world. It has kept the United States free for over 200 years. To maintain that liberty and freedom we must know our history and our founding documents! Americans must know our past so we can preserve our country for future generations.

Restore Our Constitution has a spring and fall history class that last 10 weeks. We study true, documented history about our nations founding, our founding fathers and their wives. We also have classes from time to time on our Constitution.

If you are interested please contact us with the form below. We are located in Macon County, Decatur, Illinois. Sign up today! Fall Classes will start the last Thursday in August of 2024. 

"Is God in the Constitution"

Lesson From Our Fathers Country History Class

Part One (answers and blanks) From the YOUTUBE Video called 'Is God In The Constitution"

Is God In The Constitution?   Part 1

Is God In The Constitution Answers Part 1
PDF – 555.3 KB 84 downloads
Is God In The Constitution Blank Part 1
PDF – 529.2 KB 78 downloads

Is God In The Constitution?   Part 2

Is God In The Constitution Answers 2 Pdf
PDF – 562.6 KB 51 downloads
Is God In The Constitution Blank 2 Pdf
PDF – 529.2 KB 48 downloads

Is God In The Constitution?   Part 3

Start Lesson 2 at 22 minute marker of the video above

Is God In The Constitution Part 3 ANSWERS 1 Pdf
PDF – 1,008.2 KB 54 downloads
Is God In The Constitution Part 3 Blank 1 Pdf
PDF – 990.8 KB 47 downloads

Lesson 3 begins at 34 minute marker of the video above

The First American

Lessons for "The First American" 

Any mistakes on this material is my responsibility, not that of the Gingrich Foundation

The First American      Part 1

First American P 1 A Pdf
PDF – 357.1 KB 55 downloads
First American P1Q
PDF – 338.6 KB 56 downloads

The First American      Part 2

First American P 2 A Pdf
PDF – 389.7 KB 55 downloads
First American P 2 Q Pdf
PDF – 337.1 KB 60 downloads

The First American     Part 3

First American Part 3 Q Pdf
PDF – 635.4 KB 46 downloads
First American Part 3 Pdf
PDF – 662.9 KB 46 downloads